Wednesday, September 1, 2010

College, Round 2!

So here I am, back at school. Exciting? YES! Stressful? Most definitely! It's been fun being back up here; I especially love being reunited with my friends. I am just already feeling the pressure of taking 6 classes and 17 units... Welcome back to college! Despite the work load, I am still finding lots of time to have fun. Living with 5 girls that I love means that I always have someone to hang out with! We have already had so many funny moments and quite a few "family" dinners. (:

This year I'm living with Chloe, Kaitlin, Liz, Jenna, and Anne.
Chloe is one of my suitemates from last year. She is sooo energetic, but she has such a big heart. She loves to cook for other people and she's going to start volunteering at New Vintage in the nursery, which makes me really excited! I'll finally have someone to sit with on Sundays at church!
Kaitlin is Chloe's roommate this year, and was one of my best friends here last year. She is one of the most genuine friends anyone could ask for. She's hilarious but also very serious about her studies. She also loves everything that I bake, which makes me love her all that much more!
Liz was one of my first friends at SSU. She has such a strong love for God, and we share a lot of the same beliefs which makes it easy for me to talk to her about stuff. She is also one of the weirdest funniest people I've ever met.
Jenna is Liz's roommate and she keeps us laughing! She's an amazing dancer and has seriously the best fashion sense... Needless to say, I will be raiding her closet often this year.
Anne was one of Kaitlin's suitemates last year, and she has the other single room this year... She more than deserves it! The girl is smart... and what my mom calls "shiny". She has a great personality and is always so happy!

I love love love all my roommates; I think I'm in for a great year! Unfortunately my classes are extremely boring. Also, between my 8 million hours of class, studying, babysitting, and being in the leadership program at church, I don't have a lot of time for much else. I love being busy and using my time for productive stuff, it's just that I got SO used to taking naps everyday of summer... obviously naptime is over. :(

I just cannot wait until I am done with general ed! I hate having to take classes about things that I don't care about! I'm ready to have a full schedule of psych classes. (: But for now, I'm enjoying the fact that I'm still 3 years (or at least I hope) from graduating and having to worry about the rest of my life. I'm ready to grow up and be done with school, but I'm not ready to grow up and pay for everything, have kids, and all that stuff. I think I can wait for a few more years... Even though my parents have informed me already that they're saving my old beanie babies for "the grandkids"... scary thought.

Our life is full of brokenness - broken relationships, broken promises, broken expectations. How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God's faithful presence in our lives.
(Not sure where that's from... But I love it!)

PS... Mom and Dad, I finally updated this thing, and I would just like to let you know that I put off studying for this. (:

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