Sunday, July 11, 2010


So I'm about halfway through summer, and I've found myself being extremely lazy! I wanted to use this summer to get into shape and go the gym more often, but exercising just never sounds all that fun to me. I have really been enjoying the time I've spent with my friends and my parents while I've been home... I think that's been the best part of being back in Clovis. Of course, the heat sucks; like it is just terrible having to drive anywhere after my car has sat outside all day. I have been babysitting a lot lately though. My mom's boss (and now technically my boss), Breanne, has kept me occupied; I drive her oldest daughter, Micaela, to dance every week, and I babysit her youngest daughter, Allison (or La Petite as I like to call her), a couple times a month. I also babysit their cousins, Chloe and Arden. All of them are just amazing little girls to watch, they definitely keep me on my toes and there's never a dull moment! This next week I'm finally getting to go visit Kaitlin in San Diego, I can't wait! It's been so weird to go from seeing all my college friends literally everyday to not at all. Don't get me wrong, I like not having to live with 5 girls right now, but I do miss most of them!

I go back and forth on being extremely excited about going back to school and not wanting to leave the comfort of home. I can already feel that things are going to be changing in my life and I'm not sure I'm ready for it... Which makes me want to savor my time at home and the normal kind of "routine" I've found myself in. But at the same time I can't wait for some new adventures and to get away from everything I tried to avoid in Clovis by going away to college... The dramatic girls, the same old guys, and of course the crappy weather. A few of my friends here have proven to be constant and really loyal... I'm actually doing a Bible study once a week with some of the girls which has been really nice. However there are also those friends that I look at now and think, "how were we even friends in the first place?". So I hold the memories we made close to my heart and move on. I can accept the fact that people change and grow apart, but that still doesn't make it any easier when it's some of your closest friends. It's just amazing to think about how much has changed since last summer. It's all good and bad at the same time.

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