Wednesday, September 8, 2010

30 day letter challenge, DAY 1!

As I was looking at my news feed on facebook, I came across something my friends were posting from their blogs called the 30 day letter challenge. Every day for 30 days you write a letter to a different person; there's a preset list of people. So I decided to start this! I may not write every day for 30 days straight, but I'll try! And along with writing a letter, I'll throw in a tiny update about my day... Here goes nothing!

Today was long, tiring, boring, and filled with school. I now have 18 units and 3 psych classes... Not completely sure what I've gotten myself into. But anyways, I'm determined to get amazing grades this semester. And I cannot wait to babysit tomorrow and get away from campus for the day... School is already making me feel like my head is going to explode!

DAY 1- Your Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,

I'm pretty positive you know who you are. We had a tiny rough patch last year, but can I just say that I am so happy that we have remained so close despite the distance college has put between us. I feel like I can talk to you about pretty much anything, and I wouldn't trade our weird conversations for anything. It's nice to know that I have someone in my life who won't judge me and will be honest with me about stuff.

We've known each other for so long, and I really hope that we stay close over the years to come... I can't imagine life without you! I love that we always both feel like shopping and that tanning in my backyard became one of our favorite things to do this summer. You're such an amazing friend, and I really wished we lived closer to each other because seeing each other only once a month seems like nothing! Pretty much to sum it all up, I'm glad you're my best friend... Love you girl!

XOXO- Erika

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