Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Stretch!

I'm sorry I have been so terrible with keeping up with this thing this semester, but things have really been crazy! Or at least they have been the last couple weeks. I've had midterms, quizzes, final papers, and major studying for finals! The last 5 days I have spent at least 40 hours in the library studying, and I'm not even exaggerating. Today alone, I had 3 finals... I took my geology final at 8am, my psych final at 2pm, and I'm off to take my bio final at 5! Talk about stress... I still have to take my environmental studies final on Thursday. Tomorrow will be my last day of babysitting :( I'm so sad that I won't get to hang out with Josiah every week for the next 3 months... The little guy is growing so fast it seems! But I will be headed back to Clovis for the summer. After some consideration, I decided that staying home for the summer would be my best option this year instead of going to Hume lake. So now I am going to attempt to get into a summer school class (not holding my breath on that one!) and I'm in search of a job. I have applied for soooo many nannying jobs... So if anyone knows of any jobs out there then feel free to let me know (:

Other than that, I am so excited to be going home where it's warm and not rainy... And to be with all my friends. It's so bittersweet... This year has gone by so quickly and it has definitely been an experience to remember! I have made some amazing friends and learned some hard lessons... Like sometimes it's just better to suck it up and do all the dishes in the sink instead of waiting for your roommates to do their own dishes. Or that most college professors could care less about your individual concerns and situation, they just want you to show up to class and get the work done. Also, that you have to choose your battles and decide not to sweat the small stuff, like registration haha. I am so excited to come back to Sonoma State next year and live with some of my best friends up here! I have no regrets in choosing to go away for college... I have grown so much this year and made some priceless memories; I know that next year will be equally exciting, exhausting, and fun filled! But for now bring on Summer 2010 (: and I'm off to kick this bio final's butt... or maybe I'll get my butt kicked, I'm not entirely sure yet!

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