Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Randomness! (:

Not too much going on up here lately! I've just been trying to stay on top of my classes and everything while taking advantage of the time I have left before summer. This may sound so weird but I actually don't want summer to come too quickly. Summer means not seeing my friends from school or home... I am so excited to start working at Hume, but I'm not quite ready to let go of seeing my friends all the time, having access to the internet, and being able to use my phone. So this means that I am trying to spend a lot of time at home before school ends; I'm headed home this weekend then again in May! Other than all that, there's pretty much nothing going on in my life, which is why I am going to keep all of you entertained by providing you with 20 random facts about me (:

1. I love designer jeans... It's kind of a problem haha but I just can't get enough of them!
2. My closet is color coordinated and I can always tell when someone has borrowed something or gone through my clothes... I think this can be categorized as acute OCD or something.
3. Reading is my escape from the world, most people say music is their escape, but I could read for hours without a care in the world.
4. Church is the one place I always feel at home... Whether it's my home church or a new church, worship music and sermons bring me more comfort and hope than I can possibly put into words.
5. I LOVE to bake. This is a new found love, and I'm still learning, but it's so fun to watch other people enjoy my baked goods.
6. I absolutely loathe the gym; love seeing the results, but I hate doing the work!
7. Despite how inappropriate it may be, the movie the Hangover is my #1 favorite movie to quote!
8. I cannot wait to get married and have kids... Well okay let me rephrase that, I definitely CAN wait. I do not want to have kids now haha, but I'm really excited to have kids and get married when I'm older.
9. My top fear in life is probably getting kidnapped, followed closely by throwing up.
10. Speaking of throwing up, I haven't gotten sick like that since I was 10... We were in Pismo for Christmas and I ate a Mickey D's cheeseburger (too much info?).
11. I'm terrible at math and the rice I make always comes out wrong... I'm a bad Asian.
12. I'm a girl, but I will always stick by the idea that guys are SO much less dramatic than girls.
13. I go through phases with my hair... I grow it out really long then I cut it all off; I think this pattern will probably continue for the rest of my life.
14. I love wearing dresses, especially with heels because they make my legs look longer.
15. I wear contacts everyday. I'm seriously blind without them... I want to get lasik eye surgery one day.
16. As much as I said I hated Clovis when I lived there full time, I actually love it. Going away to college and getting lost driving around on a weekly basis has made me appreciate my hometown so much more.
17. College has ruined my sleeping habits. I get an average of 5 hours of sleep every night, but naps have become my new best friend.
18. I'm not sure how I have survived this year without getting pedicures every month. I guess that's why I started actually wearing shoes instead of flip flops.
19. I text a lot, it's not just a "typical teenage girl" thing, it's how I keep in touch with everyone.
20. Country music= love (:

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