Thursday, September 10, 2009

Easy Two Days

So my mom was very disappointed when I didn't have time to write in my blog last night, so I'm going to fill everyone in on everything that has happened in the past two days just so you guys don't miss out on any of my stories. So yesterday I had philosophy and all we did was watch a film, then I headed to math just to find out that it had been cancelled for the day (YESSS!). So i got to go home and relax until ballet. After ballet I had bible study... and I officially love all the people who are in my group. They are so hilarious, and they give amazing advice on life in general. Today was extremely easy too... I had my university class this morning and I got out early, then I met up with everyone from my bible study and we went to the caf for lunch. It was by far the most entertaining meal I think I've ever had. After lunch I hung out with Sarah (a girl I just met, but totally click with, from bible study), James, and Chloe. Then Sarah and I went to a meeting for JUMP, the on campus community service club, and I signed up to feed the hungry. Later tonight Chloe made our suite dinner and a bunch of us met up to head over to Nexus. There was a really funny speaker from a Baptist Church, and he taught out of John 4 which is about Jesus meeting the woman at the well... It was really inspiring because he connected it back to the fact that we should reach out to people on campus who may not look approachable or look like us. I felt like I got a lot out of it tonight and the worship was amazing! After Nexus I got to hang out with my suitemates plus Kaitlin and eat cream puffs that Chelsea made. As for right now, I am laying on my bed with Chloe on an air mattress on the floor. Her roommate has been really sick so we've been having sleepovers in my room for the last 3 days. But she's going to go out in the front room for a little bit so I can have some quite time to read and probably pray. I love how understanding she is! Now I only have to get one more class out of the way tomorrow and I'm done for the week! (:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; who was, and is, and is to come... With all creation I sing, praise to the King of Kings! You are my everything, and I will adore You…

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