Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 7- Ex-boyfriend

I officially am the worst blogger (or whatever you want to call it) in the world! I have been soooo busy with work, school --mostly stats-- and trying to keep my self sane that I haven't had time to write here! So here is my brief update before i attempt to return to that 30 day (haha obviously not 30 consecutive days) letter challenge. My weeks consist of... 18 hours of work, 18 units of classes, homework, and church which is my favorite part of the week! Needless to say, I am busy busy busy with everything. But in between all the craziness, I am attempting to find time to apply to colleges for next year. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my life next year... I would love to go to a different school (not in Fresno) next year. But unfortunately, private colleges are SO expensive. But I do know that I can't really imagine spending another year here... I LOVE my church and work, but as for everything else... I'm not exactly having the best time. I'm really trying to reevaluate what it is that I want in a school. I think I've narrowed it down to a few key things... 1. Good Christian Community... As in I need to be challenged and encouraged there. 2. Amazing psych program... SSU is lacking in the different subjects I can minor in with my psych degree. 3. Fun atmosphere without being a huge party school. Finding a school with those qualities that's not super expensive is hard to do!

Day 7- Your Ex-Boyfriend.... Haha well this should be interesting!

Dear Ex-Boyfriend,

Not sure why I'm really wasting my time and energy typing this. I don't dwell on anything that happened between us, and I'm over it. I hope you find happiness and make sense of all that anger you seem to carry around with you. Despite how unfriendly you are towards me, I truly hope you have a good life, and that, for your sanity and my own, we never cross paths again.


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