Sunday, October 4, 2009

What is Love?

The last four days have been so crazy for me. Thursday I spent all day and night revising my 15 page paper for philosophy and studying for a math quiz. I was so tired by the time I finally got to bed. Friday I went to my classes then I drove home with Kaitlin and we dropped off Liz and Jenna in Modesto on the way. Over the weekend Kaitlin and I went "sight seeing" in Clovis and Fresno (not that there's a whole lot of exciting stuff to see). I mostly just took her to my favorite places to shop and eat. We had a lot of fun driving around and I told her so many stories about each place we visited. It's funny how many good memories I have of my hometown; as much as I complain about how much I hate it there, it's been my home for so long... It's a part of me. Then this morning I got to take Kaitlin to The Well! I was so excited to be back there; I miss it so much! The familiarity of the people and the building and everything was so comforting for some reason, even if it wasn't the service that I normally attend. After church we headed back to Rohnert Park, but picked up Jenna and Liz on the way. They mostly slept while I drove. When we got back to the school, Chloe welcomed me back with an energetic hello. She and I went to an Intervarsity small group meeting tonight, and that is where they posed the question "what is love?"

This really got me thinking about what I think love is or what it means to love someone. They followed that question with, "what things do you love?" "is love conditional" and "is love eternal". When you really stop and think about it, it's kind of funny that we talk about how much we love this kind of cake or we love that brand of shoes. Do we use the word love in that same sense when talking about people? I would sure hope that my family doesn't love me in the same way they love a type of dessert.

So I asked myself what I thought love is... I think love is a feeling we get when we don't have the words to describe how much we really care for someone or something. I also think that love has a broader definition than what can really be defined in one sentence. I also think that love can overcome all things and is, by certain people, conditional. I think I've learned that last one recently the hard way. But I also know, that I am loved by a God whose love is unconditional and eternal. He loves me no matter what I have done or where I am in life. It seriously just amazes me, looking back on everything now, that the God of the universe can love someone like me... A person with so many regrets and someone who has made countless mistakes. It's nice to know that when the whole world is keeping score on how many times I fall or fail at something, I have a God who will welcome me back time and time again and continually hold me in His arms. I feel so incredibly loved.

Now I challenge you as you go about your day to think through these same questions... Really ask yourself: "What is love?" "Is love conditional" "Is it eternal?"

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. -Psalm 36:5

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