Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Leaky Ceilings..

So before I start in about my day, I would just like to say that my ceiling is leaking literally right above my bed. :( the ceiling is all squishy, so I went upstairs to talk to the girl above me; come to find out that her bathroom isn't even what's causing the leak; it's the stupid rain water coming in from outside! I'm not sure how that's even possible, but the maintenance guys are coming tomorrow to fix it! Until then my furniture is all moved around in weird places so I don't wake up soaked. I HATE the rain today!

I think it rained as much today in Rohnert Park as it does in one year in Clovis... Like seriously, no joke, it poured for the majority of the day! I wore my rainboots and used my clear and barbie pink umbrella to make it out to my car so I could drive to psych this morning. When I got to psych, my professor handed back our first "discussion papers" where we had to present an argument and support it. I got mine back and I managed to get a 10/10 (which is apparently unheard of in psych classes, especially for freshmen) and he included a note on my paper that said, "Erika. Wow. Wow again. This is very impressive. Did you say you were a first year? If so, I'm REALLY impressed" ...He also asked me to send him a copy of my paper so he could use it as an example of an "A" paper in the future. That right there made my day!

So needless to say, I called my mom after class to tell her the good news! We got to talking about how much I like my psych class and how I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I may want to switch my major to psychology, and she gave me the support I needed today through our little phone conversation. Hearing her say that this was my life and it is my decision really gave me the reassurance I needed. I feel so passionately about helping other people and hopefully using my degree to have a career in ministry. I have been praying about this for the past couple months, and I just feel like this is something that God has really put on my heart... And I'm excited to see what He has planned for me and how He will use me in the future! I'm definitely trusting in His plan and really trying to follow Him right now, even though the future may be uncertain and seem a little scary at the moment, I'm not worried (:

"Be strong in the LORD and never give up hope. You're going to do great things, I already know. God's got His hand on you so don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget, but don't forget why you're here. Take your time and pray." -Sidewalk Prophets

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